Marilyn Monroe

All posts tagged Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn mon amour

Published April 23, 2010 by Lily DeLuxe

I have recently had the pleasure of looking at hundreds of photos of Marilyn Monroe.  She is absolutely stunning in 99.9% of them. The woman did simply not have a bad angle or a bad hairday. Very good genes indeed. Having seen this photo of her mother. You can see where her beauty stems from. Not only was she pretty but a smart cookie too. I guess a lot of you have read Blonde or a biography or two  on M.M and know had she not been sensitive and clever enough to use her sexiness and innocence she would never have gotten as far as she did.

It would have been interesting to see how she would have developed as an actress and what parts she would have chosen later on in life. Would she have continued acting or would she have produced, directed or done something entierly different?  As it is she is frozen in time as a glorious silver screen goddess.  An icon.

Marilyn Monroe got her name from Marilyn Miller. An accomplished singer,dancer and actress who was made into a star by Florenz Ziegfeld in the Ziegfeld Follies 1918. In the 1920´s and early 1930´s she was a huge success on Broadway,

Like Monroe, Miller had a dependency on alcohol, like Monroe, Miller was married three times. Miller died age 37, Monroe at 36.

In fact Monroe became Miller when she married Arthur Miller in 1956

Marilyn remains an enigma and the most beautiful junkie that ever lived.